Smith took the speedy sleep-inducer chloral hydrate, which is sometimes used in "date rape" drugs, the night of Feb. 7th and never woke up, according to a joint investigation by sister publications the National Enquirer and the Star.
In the most stunning disclosure, the report says Smith's life might have been saved had she simply gone to a hospital rather than treating her severe fever, nausea and other infection symptoms on her own.
Smith's lawyer pal Howard K. Stern, a bodyguard and a nurse were with her in the days and hours leading up to her death.
The report comes days before Broward County Medical Examiner Dr. Joshua Perper is set to reveal his official findings about what killed the 39-year-old ex-model, who died Feb. 8 at a Florida hotel.
Smith's infection, which drove her temperature to a staggering 105 degrees, was caused by an injection in her left buttock with a needle that apparently was not properly sterilized, according to the report, posted on the Enquirer and Star Web sites.
Tests did not reveal what substance had been injected into Smith three days before she died, but a painful abscess developed, the report said.
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