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Monday, March 31, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
Jenna Jameson and Aubrey O'Day? Okay, sure...

Let's say you're Aubrey O'Day (yellow dress) of Danity Kane. You've got a hit CD and a huge performance last night at Opera Nightclub in Hollywood. Who do you show up with? She figured "How do you lose with Jenna Jameson?" Makes sense in a retarded sort of way. Anyway, Aubrey was also recently hanging out with Kim Kardashian, so maybe she's looking into adult films. If Jenna Jameson is, finally, passing the torch to Aubrey O'Day, tell the Elders of Porn they have my vote. But seriously, what is up with Jenna's face? She is hardly recognizable any more. IX-NAY on the ASTIC-PLAY URGERY-SAY, ENNA-JAY!!! ERIOUSLY-SAY!!! Great dress though...
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Monday, March 03, 2008
Interview with Mr. Marcus
Married man and father of two, the 37-year-old California native lives both an ordinary home existence while spending his days on the set of adult films and expanding his business, Daddy Inc.
As the face (or hat) of black booty video, Mr. Marcus’ career perks akin to the wet dream of an inmate who ain’t had any since Montell Jordan was the shit. He gallivants with a list of hip hop and adult industry A-listers (once including 2Pac), boasts adoring fans and has sex like a college kid with a timer and dynamo tied to his package. Oh, and lets not forget his titanic scene with the "dome queen" herself: Mr. Marcus is Superhead approved. Checkmate.
At the same time, Mr. Marcus is a man who doesn’t take his success for granted. Serving porn mongers for more than 15 years now, Mr. Marcus has experienced everything from producers getting lack on his paycheck (“motherfuckers are trying to make a nigga starve”) to discrimination against black men and run-ins with STDs (Chlamydia and gonorrhea to be exact). Just like with any other industry, you have you have to be consistent, forward thinking and hard working, we mean hard working, to stay on top.
HipHopDX: How did you break into the adult film industry?
Mr. Marcus: You know, I really wanted to be in porno industry since I was 14 years-old. At 14 years-old, you look and you see it for the first time and I know for a fact people are affected by sexual images. I was immediately affected and [my career] is the result of that. [I got my first break] in 1993. I answered an ad for people that wanted to be in the adult industry. Usually they were looking for women, but one day I kept checking this magazine and there was an ad specifically for black men for adult movies. So I responded to that ad.
DX: So since then has your career in the industry been a straight shot to success or was their ever a time when you barely had enough to pay the light bill?
MM: [This industry] can be a struggle. You can get fucked around; you can be around good people, you can be around bad people. I’ve been blessed because I’m in this adult industry and I’m a black man. There aren’t too many black men in the adult industry that are successful or that have the appeal, the stamina or the ability to sustain themselves. It hasn’t been a straight shot to success.
DX: So how did the hat come along?
MM: I cut all my hair off and I didn’t like it. I hated the bald look even through the bald look was in at that time. It never hurts a black man to have a bald head, thank God. But before I cut it off, my hair was growing. I had the little Jerri Curl fade. My girl hated the fact that I kept getting Jerri Curl juice on her pillow cases and on her bed sheets so she was like just shave that shit off. So I just shaved it off. But now, looking back, I wear hats the way people wear shoes. That’s that.
DX: Why don’t you start your own hat company?
MM: Damn right I’m going to come out with my own hat line. All of the good things in life are worth the wait for, so don’t trip. I’ve been around half long enough to know that I like my hats fitted, I liked them curved and I like them to grip my skull a little bit. Give me a little comfort up there, give me a little fitted.
DX: Tell me about your company, Daddy, Inc. What are you working on?
MM: Right now I have a bunch of goodies that need to be artistically touched. And we came out with a bunch of shirts, t-shirts and tank tops just to get the designs out there. Me and a designer, printer and the manufacturer came out with a design for Daddy t-shirts and Daddy Girl for the women. But I’ve looked into tennis shoes and jeans, hats and we’ve looked at ultimately trying to be more than what it is. In my mind I see Daddy Inc. being a little like Sean John, a little bit of Hustler, a little bit of Marc Ecko and some obscure extreme designer with mass appeal.
As a black person in the adult industry I already know that anything I do is going to be different, and I want my clothing line to represent that 100%. But the definition of what Daddy Inc. is ultimately going to be, I do not know. I want it to be original, I want to it to be real and unique. Daddy. The word Daddy, it’s very common, but it defines who the fuck I want to be in my life. Daddy.
DX: In urban culture you’ve become pretty mainstream, especially after that scene with Karrine Steffans surfaced. So even though you’re a porn star you’re also a member of the celebrity sex tape scandal bandwagon. How has that experience changed your life?
MM: In terms of popularity, I just want to be who I am and I’ve been able to do that so I feel like I have been blessed. Quietly and observantly, I’ve just watched how this whole thing blew up. It wasn’t something that I planned to do and I don’t think she planned to do. You know, the thing about Karrine is that she is her own person. She is a business woman, she is determined and she handles herself. She owes me. I didn’t have to do none of this shit. I’ve been quiet about it. I told people how I met her and I’ve been honest about it. I’ve told people what it’s like to work with her and I’ve been honest about it. I haven’t exploited [her]. I can’t even fuck, really. Shit, she got her own name, to be honest.
She exploited it like a motherfucker. I think she was frustrated about the way men treated her and being a single black mother with a child. I think those things drove her to think, “I’m not going to be dependent on anyone.” So I think she used her assets [to get were she want to be financially]. She’s not an ugly woman. She can suck a dick, and she’s pretty.
DX: She owes you? How so?
MM: She doesn’t mention me in articles, ever. She goes out of her way not to mention me. She tells everybody ahead of time, “don’t mention it.” She’s so adamant about not giving me any energy or not giving me any props or anything [positive] that might come my way. I get it. I don’t trip. It isn’t like she sucked my dick and I stopped making movies and it’s not like she stopped sucking dick after she sucked my dick. You think she stopped sucking dick? She fuckin’ wanted to. And the fact that if you want that now you gotta pony the fuck up makes me say, “Hey, don’t I deserve a little credit?” Hell yeah.
DX: So how did she end up in Mr. Marcus’ neighborhood?
MM: There’s this dude named Suave who a lot of people know because he is always up in the clubs and he’s an extrovert. I was booking for Mr. Marcus’ Neighborhood and he knew this girl and asked me if I’d be interested in her. I said, “Yeah, have her call me.”
DX: I saw you in an independent film at the Vibe Urbanworld Film Festival last summer. I was dyin’ watching other audience members reluctantly look around the theater at others who might also recognize you. It was like, “Aiight, I see you Mr. Marcus, but I’m not going to let my date know I see you.” Real funny. Anyway, what acting experience have you had outside of the adult film industry? Are you trying to be the next Denzel? That’d be the new frontier of crossover acts.
MM: I would love to have my name up in the [marquee] at the movie theater. I want someone to challenge me. I want someone to say I can’t do something and watch me do it and then I do it and excel. I can play the dramatic or romantic lead. I can play the funny side kick. If you give me some well-written words and a competent director with a vision I can act. I’m an actor who can follow direction. That’s what I do. I would love to do other shit. Being a black man, I know it ain’t easy. I know we gotta look out for each other. I know John Singleton. I know Aaron McGruder. I know these motherfuckers. I never ask them for a job, I mean, sometimes I joke around and be like, “Yo John, give me a job,” but I don’t actually expect them to.
Aaron McGruder, I never ask him for shit, but I wouldn’t mind; it wouldn’t hurt to have an opportunity in that situation because it would only help open me up to more opportunities; I could take came of my family better. I’m hungry. I’ve even thought about stand up. I mean, I do things that are funny as fuck. But I’m a porn star and people see me as a porn star. It’s funny because people love you and hate you. So they may or may not get in the way of your success.
DX: So we’re going to catch you at the Laugh Factory soon?
MM: Trust me, I’m close. ‘Cause motherfuckers are trying to make a nigga starve. I think comedy comes out of desperation. The things that we do [to survive] are funny.
DX: So what are you trying to say about your financial situation? Are you broke?
MM: I’m a yes-guy. That doesn’t always make you rich. I show up for people who are like, “I don’t have any money,” and I still perform at 100%.
DX: Hey, haven’t women like Superhead let you know that you can’t "fuck for free"?
MM: I know, I know. I know that God is good all the time. I just think that if I work hard and stay true I will get all those [material] things and more. So I’m not even trippin'. I have been given enough to provide. I got a company called Daddy Inc.; I feel like the father, the head of the household. But don’t trip. I came into this industry at the right time, before my time. So I think [the money] will come.
DX: So how much do you get paid per scene?
MM: I’m up to about $800-$1,000 per scene and then I own some movies and I own some scenes. I usually shoot about two to three times a week. That’s all I need, really. But that’s all business. You really have to negotiate. You have to work out points and percentages. I probably could have put out a bunch of urban films that don’t represent who the fuck I am, but I don’t think that way. I feel like I’ve been in this industry for a while but I don’t know what I am going to be doing next and I’m open to that. Trying to do something different. Trying to do something different sexually. I am challenged by it. I feel like why rush through it? I think ultimately, successfully I will be just as strong financially as any other cat that has been in this industry a long time.
DX: What’s your favorite kind of scene?
MM: I like me and a new girl. I like one-on-one. I like a new girl.
DX: What do you have to do to prepare for a scene? Is there ever a time when, you know, when even a few Viagra’s won’t do shit. Just kidding…
MM: I think about sex, and I just stay thinking about sex and I just perform.
DX: I interviewed you about two years back and you said that you had given Chlamydia and gonorrhea to your wife. She wasn’t too happy. So tell me you’ve made your woman proud and have entered ’08 a clean man?
MM: I’m going on like three years and I haven’t caught anything, which is pretty good being in the industry that I am. Most people who come into the industry come in effected by Chlamydia and gonorrhea. Why? Because they don’t get tested. Now they come into an industry where it is mandatory to get tested every month and guess what? They’re positive. These are people who are just fuckin' after the club and in the morning. Come on, there is a lot of dishonesty in sex.
DX: How is your marriage going?
MM: It’s fine. She’s different. She’s a woman who loves me and that the emotional aspect [of our relationship]. A lot of these girls in the industry, they don’t love me; they don’t give a fuck about me. They just want to get paid—they want to fuck and get paid. A lot of them know that I am married and I have kids and I am just doing my job, but then you have others who are definitely like, “oh, that was nice” [and insinuate that they want something more than sex]. But I have to think about my life. [My wife] has always been there. She has always been around and she knows more about me than the average mother fucker. She’s like anyone who has been in a relationship with someone for a really long amount of time. She can either love me or hate me. Right now [laughter] I think she loves me. But you know, I can piss her off.
DX: Like how?
MM: Like by watching porn.
DX: At home too? Damn!
MM: I mean, I’m a dude [laughter] what can I say. I mean, I can piss her off by leaving my socks on the damn floor; it doesn’t take much.
DX: What do you think you do best performance wise?
MM: I think I have patience. Although I think sometimes I am in a hurry, I like to slow it down. I will work to find that spot. I will work to make it sexy. I will work to make it appealing. I will work for the fans, the consumer or whoever is watching that scene, that video. I don’t say, “Why isn’t this bitch keeping my dick hard?” Some guys talk like that. I don’t talk like that; I stay in it to win it.
DX: Did you ever feel like there was a connection during sex with a woman that might qualify as cheating on you wife?
MM: There are a lot of women that I like, but what we do for business is not structured to sustain it. The new women in porn are young… some of them have families and are educated. But their sexual curiosity is so strong that they end up in the porno industry. And then you get to fuck ‘em, knowing that this woman would make the perfect wife; someone’s perfect girlfriend; someone’s perfect mother. But this sexual side of her is so strong that she has to express it and experience it. Women are just as bad as men.
DX: Oddly enough, I found your contact information on the site for the Free Speech Coalition, an organization that defends the adult film industry from censorship. It was funny to see you muddled with all those middle-aged white folk on the board. So what is your involvement in the organization? Don’t say you’re the token.
MM: They came at me before I was ready [to commit to the organization]. They fight for a lot of our tights. They are paid by a lot of companies to keep the government off the backs of porn producers, basically. The Free Speech Coalition was designed to protect the interests of the adult industry, either producer or performer and [the industry’s] ability to function as a business. I can be informed of change if I associate myself with that. And with that I learn more about what it takes to run a business in the adult film industry.
DX: So what exactly do you contribute to the workings of the organization?
MM: Well, I obviously contribute color. I think I also contribute youth and experience because I’m not just any performer; I’m a major performer.
DX: Do you have any plans to exit the industry or are you going to be pumpin’ until you have a heart attack?
MM: I want to be as present as possible in the industry. I came in the industry young because I was a fan, and I’m still a fan. Sex gives us something to laugh about and something to smile about. It’s gratification whenever you need it. I’m here because I can express myself through sex.
DX: Your government name, Jesse Spencer, could have worked as a porn alias, don’t you think? I mean, the closest person it makes me think of Elizabeth Berkley’s character on Saved by the Bell, Jessie Spano, but still, it’s a hot name. Where did Mr. Marcus come from?
MM: There is a Jesse Spencer the actor, so he was lucky. Jack Nicholson said it best. He said he likes to act because when he is acting he is not responsible for his actions. So you can do whatever the fuck you want and not be held accountable. I think that as being Mr. Marcus, at first it gave me a sort of freedom. I get to be whoever the fuck I want to be. The LA cops, the sheriffs pulled me over too many times and “Jesse Spencer” used to get my ass in a lot of trouble. So I came up with an alias and the alias was Marcus. When I came into the adult industry, I continued to use that alias.
DX: So what do you think is the relationship between Hip Hop and the adult film industry?
MM: I think Hip Hop builds off fuckin’. I heard of guys watching pornos while they are in the studio, recording. I’ve been in the studio with cats recording music while having pornos playing. I don’t think they have to think when they are watching movies; I don’t think they have to listen to the sounds. I mean, think about when you are dancing on the dance floor, [a woman] will determine if a guy can fuck or not based on [if he can dance]. I hear JD and Ludacris take their music to the strip clubs just to see if the girls are feeling it. They gotta stop saying sex sells, because sex and music sells, period. We call is "SMS: Sex, music, sells."
DX: So since you’re all up in the studio, do you ever think about dropping your own album? I’m sure it’d have some interesting interludes.
MM: I’ve thought about it. I don't know. I got flow. I got musically inclined balls.
DX: So freestyle for me
MM: *Freestyles*
DX: Don’t quit your day job.
DX: Do you have a little posse in the adult film world?
MM: Lexington Steele, Justin Slayer, Brian Pumper, John E. Depth, Fetish, Aurora Jolie, Pinky—she’s a freak; I like her. I like women who you would love to fuck in the mainstream world, but you can’t. But they're in porno because they love to fuck, they like being fucked and they like being objectified. A lot of times, to get a nut, you have to objectify some shit. You gotta want that car so bad that you will bust a nut to get that motherfucker. That’s who we are as a people.
DX: Who do you roll with?
MM: I hung with 2Pac for a little bit, I hung out with Aaron McGruder. I like to hang out with Dr. Dre; I’ve hung out with everyone for a quick second. Ray J…
DX: Do you think Ray J should have his own porn series?
MM: Yep, I sure do. I like Ray J. I think he represents for a lot of guys who are just like him. I’m an older cat, no doubt. Ray J is just a younger cat and he rolls with younger cats that look up to him. In a way, I’m just like him. How many R&B niggas you know who have a porno tape out? Keith Sweat? Omarion? Nah. He made a porno tape as a last ditch effort. It didn’t come out because he needed to make any money. He got money. The bitch [Kim Kardashian] actually [benefited more from the release of the tape]. She got a TV series, her sisters [are famous now]. That didn’t come from them being who they are, that came from that porno tape.
DX: What are the hurdles or the black man in the industry?
MM: There are a lot of white men in the position of money and power. You can’t be exhausted [as a black man] we have to get up and put in work.
As the face (or hat) of black booty video, Mr. Marcus’ career perks akin to the wet dream of an inmate who ain’t had any since Montell Jordan was the shit. He gallivants with a list of hip hop and adult industry A-listers (once including 2Pac), boasts adoring fans and has sex like a college kid with a timer and dynamo tied to his package. Oh, and lets not forget his titanic scene with the "dome queen" herself: Mr. Marcus is Superhead approved. Checkmate.
At the same time, Mr. Marcus is a man who doesn’t take his success for granted. Serving porn mongers for more than 15 years now, Mr. Marcus has experienced everything from producers getting lack on his paycheck (“motherfuckers are trying to make a nigga starve”) to discrimination against black men and run-ins with STDs (Chlamydia and gonorrhea to be exact). Just like with any other industry, you have you have to be consistent, forward thinking and hard working, we mean hard working, to stay on top.
HipHopDX: How did you break into the adult film industry?
Mr. Marcus: You know, I really wanted to be in porno industry since I was 14 years-old. At 14 years-old, you look and you see it for the first time and I know for a fact people are affected by sexual images. I was immediately affected and [my career] is the result of that. [I got my first break] in 1993. I answered an ad for people that wanted to be in the adult industry. Usually they were looking for women, but one day I kept checking this magazine and there was an ad specifically for black men for adult movies. So I responded to that ad.
DX: So since then has your career in the industry been a straight shot to success or was their ever a time when you barely had enough to pay the light bill?
MM: [This industry] can be a struggle. You can get fucked around; you can be around good people, you can be around bad people. I’ve been blessed because I’m in this adult industry and I’m a black man. There aren’t too many black men in the adult industry that are successful or that have the appeal, the stamina or the ability to sustain themselves. It hasn’t been a straight shot to success.
DX: So how did the hat come along?
MM: I cut all my hair off and I didn’t like it. I hated the bald look even through the bald look was in at that time. It never hurts a black man to have a bald head, thank God. But before I cut it off, my hair was growing. I had the little Jerri Curl fade. My girl hated the fact that I kept getting Jerri Curl juice on her pillow cases and on her bed sheets so she was like just shave that shit off. So I just shaved it off. But now, looking back, I wear hats the way people wear shoes. That’s that.
DX: Why don’t you start your own hat company?
MM: Damn right I’m going to come out with my own hat line. All of the good things in life are worth the wait for, so don’t trip. I’ve been around half long enough to know that I like my hats fitted, I liked them curved and I like them to grip my skull a little bit. Give me a little comfort up there, give me a little fitted.
DX: Tell me about your company, Daddy, Inc. What are you working on?
MM: Right now I have a bunch of goodies that need to be artistically touched. And we came out with a bunch of shirts, t-shirts and tank tops just to get the designs out there. Me and a designer, printer and the manufacturer came out with a design for Daddy t-shirts and Daddy Girl for the women. But I’ve looked into tennis shoes and jeans, hats and we’ve looked at ultimately trying to be more than what it is. In my mind I see Daddy Inc. being a little like Sean John, a little bit of Hustler, a little bit of Marc Ecko and some obscure extreme designer with mass appeal.
As a black person in the adult industry I already know that anything I do is going to be different, and I want my clothing line to represent that 100%. But the definition of what Daddy Inc. is ultimately going to be, I do not know. I want it to be original, I want to it to be real and unique. Daddy. The word Daddy, it’s very common, but it defines who the fuck I want to be in my life. Daddy.
DX: In urban culture you’ve become pretty mainstream, especially after that scene with Karrine Steffans surfaced. So even though you’re a porn star you’re also a member of the celebrity sex tape scandal bandwagon. How has that experience changed your life?
MM: In terms of popularity, I just want to be who I am and I’ve been able to do that so I feel like I have been blessed. Quietly and observantly, I’ve just watched how this whole thing blew up. It wasn’t something that I planned to do and I don’t think she planned to do. You know, the thing about Karrine is that she is her own person. She is a business woman, she is determined and she handles herself. She owes me. I didn’t have to do none of this shit. I’ve been quiet about it. I told people how I met her and I’ve been honest about it. I’ve told people what it’s like to work with her and I’ve been honest about it. I haven’t exploited [her]. I can’t even fuck, really. Shit, she got her own name, to be honest.
She exploited it like a motherfucker. I think she was frustrated about the way men treated her and being a single black mother with a child. I think those things drove her to think, “I’m not going to be dependent on anyone.” So I think she used her assets [to get were she want to be financially]. She’s not an ugly woman. She can suck a dick, and she’s pretty.
DX: She owes you? How so?
MM: She doesn’t mention me in articles, ever. She goes out of her way not to mention me. She tells everybody ahead of time, “don’t mention it.” She’s so adamant about not giving me any energy or not giving me any props or anything [positive] that might come my way. I get it. I don’t trip. It isn’t like she sucked my dick and I stopped making movies and it’s not like she stopped sucking dick after she sucked my dick. You think she stopped sucking dick? She fuckin’ wanted to. And the fact that if you want that now you gotta pony the fuck up makes me say, “Hey, don’t I deserve a little credit?” Hell yeah.
DX: So how did she end up in Mr. Marcus’ neighborhood?
MM: There’s this dude named Suave who a lot of people know because he is always up in the clubs and he’s an extrovert. I was booking for Mr. Marcus’ Neighborhood and he knew this girl and asked me if I’d be interested in her. I said, “Yeah, have her call me.”
DX: I saw you in an independent film at the Vibe Urbanworld Film Festival last summer. I was dyin’ watching other audience members reluctantly look around the theater at others who might also recognize you. It was like, “Aiight, I see you Mr. Marcus, but I’m not going to let my date know I see you.” Real funny. Anyway, what acting experience have you had outside of the adult film industry? Are you trying to be the next Denzel? That’d be the new frontier of crossover acts.
MM: I would love to have my name up in the [marquee] at the movie theater. I want someone to challenge me. I want someone to say I can’t do something and watch me do it and then I do it and excel. I can play the dramatic or romantic lead. I can play the funny side kick. If you give me some well-written words and a competent director with a vision I can act. I’m an actor who can follow direction. That’s what I do. I would love to do other shit. Being a black man, I know it ain’t easy. I know we gotta look out for each other. I know John Singleton. I know Aaron McGruder. I know these motherfuckers. I never ask them for a job, I mean, sometimes I joke around and be like, “Yo John, give me a job,” but I don’t actually expect them to.
Aaron McGruder, I never ask him for shit, but I wouldn’t mind; it wouldn’t hurt to have an opportunity in that situation because it would only help open me up to more opportunities; I could take came of my family better. I’m hungry. I’ve even thought about stand up. I mean, I do things that are funny as fuck. But I’m a porn star and people see me as a porn star. It’s funny because people love you and hate you. So they may or may not get in the way of your success.
DX: So we’re going to catch you at the Laugh Factory soon?
MM: Trust me, I’m close. ‘Cause motherfuckers are trying to make a nigga starve. I think comedy comes out of desperation. The things that we do [to survive] are funny.
DX: So what are you trying to say about your financial situation? Are you broke?
MM: I’m a yes-guy. That doesn’t always make you rich. I show up for people who are like, “I don’t have any money,” and I still perform at 100%.
DX: Hey, haven’t women like Superhead let you know that you can’t "fuck for free"?
MM: I know, I know. I know that God is good all the time. I just think that if I work hard and stay true I will get all those [material] things and more. So I’m not even trippin'. I have been given enough to provide. I got a company called Daddy Inc.; I feel like the father, the head of the household. But don’t trip. I came into this industry at the right time, before my time. So I think [the money] will come.
DX: So how much do you get paid per scene?
MM: I’m up to about $800-$1,000 per scene and then I own some movies and I own some scenes. I usually shoot about two to three times a week. That’s all I need, really. But that’s all business. You really have to negotiate. You have to work out points and percentages. I probably could have put out a bunch of urban films that don’t represent who the fuck I am, but I don’t think that way. I feel like I’ve been in this industry for a while but I don’t know what I am going to be doing next and I’m open to that. Trying to do something different. Trying to do something different sexually. I am challenged by it. I feel like why rush through it? I think ultimately, successfully I will be just as strong financially as any other cat that has been in this industry a long time.
DX: What’s your favorite kind of scene?
MM: I like me and a new girl. I like one-on-one. I like a new girl.
DX: What do you have to do to prepare for a scene? Is there ever a time when, you know, when even a few Viagra’s won’t do shit. Just kidding…
MM: I think about sex, and I just stay thinking about sex and I just perform.
DX: I interviewed you about two years back and you said that you had given Chlamydia and gonorrhea to your wife. She wasn’t too happy. So tell me you’ve made your woman proud and have entered ’08 a clean man?
MM: I’m going on like three years and I haven’t caught anything, which is pretty good being in the industry that I am. Most people who come into the industry come in effected by Chlamydia and gonorrhea. Why? Because they don’t get tested. Now they come into an industry where it is mandatory to get tested every month and guess what? They’re positive. These are people who are just fuckin' after the club and in the morning. Come on, there is a lot of dishonesty in sex.
DX: How is your marriage going?
MM: It’s fine. She’s different. She’s a woman who loves me and that the emotional aspect [of our relationship]. A lot of these girls in the industry, they don’t love me; they don’t give a fuck about me. They just want to get paid—they want to fuck and get paid. A lot of them know that I am married and I have kids and I am just doing my job, but then you have others who are definitely like, “oh, that was nice” [and insinuate that they want something more than sex]. But I have to think about my life. [My wife] has always been there. She has always been around and she knows more about me than the average mother fucker. She’s like anyone who has been in a relationship with someone for a really long amount of time. She can either love me or hate me. Right now [laughter] I think she loves me. But you know, I can piss her off.
DX: Like how?
MM: Like by watching porn.
DX: At home too? Damn!
MM: I mean, I’m a dude [laughter] what can I say. I mean, I can piss her off by leaving my socks on the damn floor; it doesn’t take much.
DX: What do you think you do best performance wise?
MM: I think I have patience. Although I think sometimes I am in a hurry, I like to slow it down. I will work to find that spot. I will work to make it sexy. I will work to make it appealing. I will work for the fans, the consumer or whoever is watching that scene, that video. I don’t say, “Why isn’t this bitch keeping my dick hard?” Some guys talk like that. I don’t talk like that; I stay in it to win it.
DX: Did you ever feel like there was a connection during sex with a woman that might qualify as cheating on you wife?
MM: There are a lot of women that I like, but what we do for business is not structured to sustain it. The new women in porn are young… some of them have families and are educated. But their sexual curiosity is so strong that they end up in the porno industry. And then you get to fuck ‘em, knowing that this woman would make the perfect wife; someone’s perfect girlfriend; someone’s perfect mother. But this sexual side of her is so strong that she has to express it and experience it. Women are just as bad as men.
DX: Oddly enough, I found your contact information on the site for the Free Speech Coalition, an organization that defends the adult film industry from censorship. It was funny to see you muddled with all those middle-aged white folk on the board. So what is your involvement in the organization? Don’t say you’re the token.
MM: They came at me before I was ready [to commit to the organization]. They fight for a lot of our tights. They are paid by a lot of companies to keep the government off the backs of porn producers, basically. The Free Speech Coalition was designed to protect the interests of the adult industry, either producer or performer and [the industry’s] ability to function as a business. I can be informed of change if I associate myself with that. And with that I learn more about what it takes to run a business in the adult film industry.
DX: So what exactly do you contribute to the workings of the organization?
MM: Well, I obviously contribute color. I think I also contribute youth and experience because I’m not just any performer; I’m a major performer.
DX: Do you have any plans to exit the industry or are you going to be pumpin’ until you have a heart attack?
MM: I want to be as present as possible in the industry. I came in the industry young because I was a fan, and I’m still a fan. Sex gives us something to laugh about and something to smile about. It’s gratification whenever you need it. I’m here because I can express myself through sex.
DX: Your government name, Jesse Spencer, could have worked as a porn alias, don’t you think? I mean, the closest person it makes me think of Elizabeth Berkley’s character on Saved by the Bell, Jessie Spano, but still, it’s a hot name. Where did Mr. Marcus come from?
MM: There is a Jesse Spencer the actor, so he was lucky. Jack Nicholson said it best. He said he likes to act because when he is acting he is not responsible for his actions. So you can do whatever the fuck you want and not be held accountable. I think that as being Mr. Marcus, at first it gave me a sort of freedom. I get to be whoever the fuck I want to be. The LA cops, the sheriffs pulled me over too many times and “Jesse Spencer” used to get my ass in a lot of trouble. So I came up with an alias and the alias was Marcus. When I came into the adult industry, I continued to use that alias.
DX: So what do you think is the relationship between Hip Hop and the adult film industry?
MM: I think Hip Hop builds off fuckin’. I heard of guys watching pornos while they are in the studio, recording. I’ve been in the studio with cats recording music while having pornos playing. I don’t think they have to think when they are watching movies; I don’t think they have to listen to the sounds. I mean, think about when you are dancing on the dance floor, [a woman] will determine if a guy can fuck or not based on [if he can dance]. I hear JD and Ludacris take their music to the strip clubs just to see if the girls are feeling it. They gotta stop saying sex sells, because sex and music sells, period. We call is "SMS: Sex, music, sells."
DX: So since you’re all up in the studio, do you ever think about dropping your own album? I’m sure it’d have some interesting interludes.
MM: I’ve thought about it. I don't know. I got flow. I got musically inclined balls.
DX: So freestyle for me
MM: *Freestyles*
DX: Don’t quit your day job.
DX: Do you have a little posse in the adult film world?
MM: Lexington Steele, Justin Slayer, Brian Pumper, John E. Depth, Fetish, Aurora Jolie, Pinky—she’s a freak; I like her. I like women who you would love to fuck in the mainstream world, but you can’t. But they're in porno because they love to fuck, they like being fucked and they like being objectified. A lot of times, to get a nut, you have to objectify some shit. You gotta want that car so bad that you will bust a nut to get that motherfucker. That’s who we are as a people.
DX: Who do you roll with?
MM: I hung with 2Pac for a little bit, I hung out with Aaron McGruder. I like to hang out with Dr. Dre; I’ve hung out with everyone for a quick second. Ray J…
DX: Do you think Ray J should have his own porn series?
MM: Yep, I sure do. I like Ray J. I think he represents for a lot of guys who are just like him. I’m an older cat, no doubt. Ray J is just a younger cat and he rolls with younger cats that look up to him. In a way, I’m just like him. How many R&B niggas you know who have a porno tape out? Keith Sweat? Omarion? Nah. He made a porno tape as a last ditch effort. It didn’t come out because he needed to make any money. He got money. The bitch [Kim Kardashian] actually [benefited more from the release of the tape]. She got a TV series, her sisters [are famous now]. That didn’t come from them being who they are, that came from that porno tape.
DX: What are the hurdles or the black man in the industry?
MM: There are a lot of white men in the position of money and power. You can’t be exhausted [as a black man] we have to get up and put in work.

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